For Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Richard Martin,
Administrative Office Hours
1153 Michigan Avenue
Baldwin, Michigan 49304
M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm
(231) 745-2711
(231) 745-9008
The Lake County Sheriff’s Department Detective Bureau consists of trained Detectives who investigate a variety of criminal complaints. Each Detective receives training in all aspects of investigations including interviewing, evidence collection, proper procedures, law and other various topics that relate to criminal investigations. The Detectives report directly to the Undersheriff with the next in command being a Sergeant who handles the day-to-day operations insuring that the Bureau runs smoothly and efficiently. Detectives are assigned to handle the criminal complaints in the county as needed.
The Road Patrol Officers are the backbone of any law enforcement group. They are the boots on the ground taking calls on everything from petty larceny to homicide, shoplifting to lost children. These Officers are the guardian angles working every holiday, every weekend, and every night shift to protect and serve the public. When it is 20 degrees below zero and you are in the house sitting by the fireplace the Road Officers are out policing an accident, refereeing a domestic dispute, or getting someone the help they need at their darkest hour. These Officers work for you and have your best interest at heart.
To become a Police Officer in Michigan an individual must complete high school, obtain a college degree in criminal justice, and attend a Police academy that is recognized by the State of Michigan. Once that is completed and you are hired by an agency you will continue your education by spending hundreds of hours attending training classes throughout your career to keep up with the ever changing laws and requirements.
It takes a special person to work in law enforcement and deal with the day to day complaints and issues that confront you. At the end of the day we would not give up our job as a Police Officer for any other occupation. Some days are tougher than others but there is no better feeling in the world than the one you get when you find a lost child or a citizen thanks you for being there in their darkest moment.
Lake County is truly what Michigan is all about with its unique and exceptional community, a rich and diverse history, and a recreational paradise like no other.
Our mission is to serve with “Honor, Integrity, and Dedication.” This is more than just a statement, but a commitment – a commitment to provide exemplary services, maintain public safety, and to preserve an enjoyable environment for each and every resident, visitor, worker, and property owner in Lake County.
My office is always open to listen to your concerns, issues or ideas. Please feel free to contact me at (231) 745-2711 or email
Wishing you a safe journey…
Sheriff Rich Martin